Thursday, January 4, 2007

And so it begins...

Yes, it is official- my very first post in my very first blog. I guess I am a little bit tardy to the blog ball- but I've got my fancy mommy ballgown on (does a stained white t-shirt count?), both of my kids down for a nap, and I'm ready to get started!

Since there is no other logical place for me to start, I'll start at the beginning...

I'm 29 years old (and holding), married to my husband for 5 years and have two fantastic children. My son is 3 1/2, my daughter just turned 2 in December. They are my partners in crime, my perfect pair. The four of us live in central Florida (a blog on hurricanes is most definitely guaranteed for this summer/fall).

In my "former life" I was an attorney on the fast track of a BIGLAW career. Although my days are a bit different now, they are none the less just as challenging and (it is true) are far more rewarding. For example, just today I finally figured out (after much frustration) just how to get my Pillsbury rolls to look more like crescents and less like a somewhat phallic blob of dough.

In all seriousness, though, my days are filled with unbelievably wonderful and unbelievably frustrating moments (as the days of all parents inevitably are) and I can't wait to get started writing them all down.

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